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Monday, August 3, 2009

Tigress in the house!!!

I am now convinced that my little girl is a tigress reborn.

Her brother did something and got her upset recently.... BIG mistake...

Before we know it, he was trying to run away panicking a little while she grabbed him from behind on both his sides, screaming as she does that, and started biting him repeatedly on his back!!!!! PANIC!

Imagine or try to remember a lion (or a tiger) pounce on her prey, jumping on its back, using her claws to hold on while she bites the poor animal into submission.... and eventually eats it.

Sad to say, her brother was the unfortunate prey.....

Sorry to say, we decided that in the spirit of keeping this as family friendly website... such graphic images will not be uploaded as our internal Board of Censors decided it was unsuitable for this innocently created and kid-friendly blog. So the above picture is as good as it gets... use your imagination! (Actually hor, we were so horrified that we forgot to take photo)

Anyway, thankfully she had a bib in her face and was not really biting him. But there was no escape from the 'claws' though....

For those concerned with her prey... No... he did not get eaten if that's what you are worried about. In fact, I don't think he actually learnt his lesson, he is still irritating her at every opportunity he gets...

Horrified Daddy - still with trembling fingers...
3 Aug 2009

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