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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Latest Updates on Lot 1068 Winona Circuit

Today, we had our inspection of the house. Red stickers around the house indicates paint touch up to be done. We will be installing timber flooring in our study, lounge, family room, dining room and the walkway to all these rooms. Therefore at this stage, you see only concrete on the floor. The rest of the house are carpeted which includes all bedrooms and rumpus. We shall be having our final inspection on 24 April 2009 and if everything is fine, we will collect keys to the house on the same day. *happiness* Once we get the keys, we can start getting the concreter to do the driveway, get blinds installed in the house and of course, timber flooring to be installed indoors. At the same time, the developer will get people to install fences and do the landscaping in front of the house. So once all these are done, we are ready to move in with some cleaning up prior to that. The rest of our backyard, we plan to work on it slowly in seperate stages and Felix like to do it on his own. More updates to come! Stay tune!

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