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Friday, April 24, 2009

Keys to our new house

24 April 2009, we received the keys to our new house. New address: 10 Winona Circuit, Tarneit, Vic 3029. We have not fix the letter box so please do not post anything to the new address yet!

Anyway, we should be moving in to our new place in 2 weeks time. We have to vacate the present place by 23May'09 so no matter what, we still need to move by then!

At this stage, we should have our timber flooring installed by early next week. Not sure when we are doing the driveway as we are waiting for the concreter to call to fix a date. The fence should be up sometime 2nd week of May. We have yet to confirm our venetien blinds due to our current tight finances as a deposit of 40% must be given upon order. And it will take about 4 weeks before we can get it installed. Hope we can get the blinds up by 2nd week of June! Meanwhile, just have to use mahjong paper/ towels/ bedsheets/ blanket/ cardboard boxes to cover our windows! :P

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