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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Caleb had a terrible accident!

Caleb is 3 years 12 days old. He had his 1st major accident.
The incident happened around 10:30pm last night when I asked him to bring a mug from the lounge room to Daddy who was in the kitchen. Halfway, he tripped, mug fell, he hit his head one of the broken pieces. Caleb was screaming in pain, crying, in tears he kept repeating' blood blood' and 'cup broken'. Poor boy! He suffered a terrible gash to his forehead and there was so much blood! Felix tried to press it with tissue paper to stop the blood while I woke up Caitlin and packed my bag quickly. Then we rushed him to Werribee Mercy hospital which is 15 mins drive away.
When we got there, the triage nurse saw him and said it ain't too bad. I was like huh? Such a big gash and you don't consider it serious enough? But lucky he didn't lose consciousness as that would be bad. The nurse said she will put a dressing to his head as soon as she finishes with the other patients waiting. In the end it was more than an hour later and felix had to queue up again so as to remind her about it. She gave Caleb pain relief to take and place a dressing to the wound with some medication to help numb the pain. At least after that, he felt better and he started playing the toys around the room. But we still had a long wait, more than 2hrs in total! There was another mum waiting in the room whose son fractured his leg, also waited more than 2hrs!
Anyway, when it was our turn to see the doctor. After cleaning the wound and examining it, he decided to do stitching instead using glue which was what he wanted to do initially. He told us the wound was too wide to glue as there will be a scar and stitching it will be better. But because Caleb is only little, he has to give him some sedation to make him groggy so he won't struggle so much. So he was given a small up of apple juice with the sedative. About 15min later, he got tired and decided to sleep. He was placed on the hospital bed with hands and feet wrapped up in a sheet. A nurse holding on to his head and Felix holding on to his body. As soon as the doctor injected his wound area with anaesthetic, Caleb woke up screaming in agony. Doctor said the injection will sting a little but I didn't know it will wake up a sedated kid! He was screaming and kicking while the doctor was stitching as well. He was screaming for me and screaming to get up and whatever he can think of doing (drink water, eat chocolates, stand up, eat sweet,etc) just to away. I could feel his pain, my heart hurts and tears just flowed out uncontrollably. Seeing him screaming in pain and that I could do nothing but watch from aside as Caitlin was sleeping in my arms. It was such a terrible ordeal and I pray that I will never have to experience this ever again.
Very soon, it all ended and we got home around 2:30am. Everyone was tired. I made Caleb & Caitlin sleep while Felix cleared the mess (broken mug + blood stains) downstairs.
Caleb is all better today. I am glad he is back to normal, his usual playful self. :) I'm sure you can tell from the photos below. Smiling cheekily to the camera and even tried to see his wound from reflection from a bottle cover! He is such a brave boy.


Victor Choo said...

Aiyo!! That's a really big gash! It must have been really painful... sob sob

Daddy Felix said...

yeah. If it helps, i didn't think that he was screaming in pain throughout the stitching though. The aneasthetic should have taken over by then. And he was screaming more about being stuck, he was screaming,"Mummy!Mummy! STUCK!!!" and crying through out.

I think it was more traumatising to see the needle going over his head and knowing that the doctor is doing something to him, but he can't move or run away for that matter!