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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our new home

We moved in to our new rented house on 4Aug. This is a 3 bedroom house so it is bigger than our previous place and so much more space for me to run around! Let me take you around.
When you enter the house, this is the room you will first see. We currently use it as storage room as you can see. Heheh...can you see my new stroller? Daddy bought this because it is lightweight and it can recline so I can sleep better when I am outside. It can be used for meimei next time also as it is suitable for newborn.

The next room is the kitchen cum living room. This photo show you just the messy kitchen.

And this is the living room. The courtyard is accessible from here.

So on this level, there is a toilet which is the 1st door (sliding) on the left. The 2nd door is our laundry area.

This is the stairway to the next level.

When you get to the top of the stairs, on the left, you will see a seperate toilet and bathroom. The bathroom has a shower room and a bathtub. The bathtub is where I take my bath as I have all my toys there and a little baby tub for me to play water in.
Then the 1st room from the left is the guest room.

Next comes my playroom! Well...according to mummy, it will soon be meimei's room also. So it will be meimei's bedroom cum caleb's playroom.

Then comes to Daddy & mummy & my bedroom!

This is the ensuite in the bedroom. No bathtub but there's a shower room.

Ok, that's the all. No photo of the courtyard but you will eventually see it when we take more photos at home! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne

Thanks for all the updates! I miss reading stories on Caleb. BTW, congratulations on your second baby..

With much love,